
Design Effective Ebay Template- A Tip to make more Sales

If you have decided to sell on Ebay.com and working on designing a ebay template which is effective and will help you to make more sales then read this post.

The very first tip for designing a Ebay template is that it should not be too long, it should be short just giving the information which is needed. Do not try to give lot of confusing information. Just give the points that are necessary. Generally visitors do not read in detail, first of all they just look for the image of the product and then if they are impressed with the product's image then they proceed to read shipping and payments terms and if they feel then only they will read about us or why us like things. Moreover on ebay more then about us or why us they just see the feedback score and make mind to purchase if they are impressed by the item by seeing its Image and Features.

Now let us start to Prepare a Effective Template for Ebay:

First of all comes the header and then just after it there should be the image or images of the product, try to give clear images from different angles so that visitor can get the view to the product from the different angles. Images are the backbone to impress the visitor so all designing should be done keeping in mind that Image of the Product that you are selling is the King. Keeping that is mind the header should not be too flashy so that visitor on lading to your template or product page sees the image of the product first. Do not show who you are but instead show what you are selling.

After image part comes the short description of the item that too in points so that the visitor can read all the major features of the item in a second.
Then there will be shipping terms, payment information and return policy and about us or why us sections. Do not try to make the visitor confused with lot of unnecessary information just placed to attract him, visitor is not a fool- only give main points that are needed.

Moreover according to **My Experience** of working as Internet Marketing Consultant with many e-retailer and working very closely with many sellers on Ebay, do not try to advertise more of your products on the product description page by placing related items on side or down because there are already thousands of product on ebay so after coming to your page the visitor should feel alone just with a single product so that he can make his mind, his first impression should be that he is at a right place. After landing to product's description page he should just think about that individual product only, do not try to divert his mind on other of your related items . Yes you can advertise another category that you are also selling so that if the visitor likes your product and theme of your product line then he can know what are your different collections.


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