
Is opening Ebay Store worth or just we should use Ebay Auctions to sell items on Ebay?

Ebay is a very good place for the new e-sellers to start business. Now if the following question comes into the mind of new seller then this article can give him some direction
Question : Is opening a Ebay Store worth or just we should use ebay auction to sell items on Ebay?

Answer : I will answer this question in this way that Ebay store and ebay auction goes together.

Buyer has both the option of buying product i.e. he can buy from the store as well as auction. So every seller should use store as well as auction. THE STORE INVENTORY OR THE LISTINGS ARE NOT SHOWN IN THE EBAY SEARCH RESULT WHEN SOME VISITOR ON EBAY SEARCHES FOR A PARTICULAR ITEM ONLY THE ITEM WHICH ARE LISTED ON THE AUCTION FORMAT ARE DISPLAYED IN THE SEARCH RESULT.

Now we Know:
1) That the store inventories will not get much traffic and the auction inventory will get more traffic and hence more the chances to get sold.

2) The fee to list on store is very low and to list on auction is very high .

Now a Time to Analyze:

So if we consider all these facts we have to make a blend of store as well as auction strategy and develop a strategy for our self on ebay.

Best strategy according to experts is to open a ebay store and list all your items on it and rotate few hot selling items on auction so that those few of your items can get more exposure or traffic and can help the ebay visitor to get a path to visit your store and can help store inventories to get exposure.


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