
Use Digg.com to Get Traffic to your Website

Analysis of Digg.com

Digg.com is a high traffic getting website with Alexa's recent ranking as 75. Digg.com has a reach of around 10000 per million users per day and moreover the digs culture is growing very fast.

How you can get more traffic to your website/blog by using

Answer to it is very simple ----
Just post good effective related content

Digg.com is a user driven social content website. You can submit your article on digg and after you submit article, other people will read your submission and digs (kind of voting) if they like it. If your article rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of visitors to see it. If some story is promoted on the homepage of Digg.com thousands of visitors via the link to your website or blog will flood to your website/blog within minutes.
**My Experiance** says that by just posting an article in any of the category of digg can give you 10-20 persons. And if your article has potential and it makes to the main page of the digg then be ready for thousands of persons. The simple logic is more the diggs in less time more the chances to be on the magic traffic giving main page.

How to post an effective article on

Make the title of the article interesting and mindcatching.
The article should sound interesting and worth reading in the first view.
Do not spam, stick to your content.

**Internet Marketing Tip** Many webmasters and bloggers are using
Digg.com to get traffic to their portal, few of them are getting great success and some of them have done wonder by getting very high traffic when their article were promoted to the homepage of Digg.com. So give it a try you have nothing to loose but you will gain in the way of a backlink to your page that is very important in Search Engine Optimization.

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